Indigenous is committed to supporting and preserving fair trade wages and artisan cooperatives, investing in natural and organic fibers and environmentally-friendly dyes, and spreading the beauty of handmade, eco fashion.
The secret to sexy, toned arms is SpinGym®’s unique “Gyrotronic Resistance Training” (GRT), developed by health and fitness expert Forbes Riley. SpinGym®’s GRT engages all your upper body and core muscles, instantly. SpinGym® is engineered to tone up, not bulk up. Wave goodbye to flabby arms with just 5 minutes a day!
I've been using the SpinGym for the last 3 days and I've had a lot of fun. It's too early to see physical results, but my arms are definitely tired after 5 minutes. I think it is perfect for travel and I plan to take mine with me to NYC this weekend!
If you would like to learn more check out!