Hosted by LIBA and BABES

The craft beer meet-up is a social networking event intended for anyone who loves beer. You do not need to know anyone to attend...come meet some new friends! In fact, bring your friends, your family, or even random strangers!
The event will be casual. No agenda. Come, drink, talk beer, and make new friends. Our meet-ups are FREE to attend, although you are responsible for the cost of food or any drinks that you order.
People new to the craft-beer scene should not hesitate to join us; you won't find anything intimidating about the event...folks with all levels of beer-knowledge will be represented.
If you are coming, please RSVP using the register button above.
Check out the recaps from our previous events:
- Boston Craft Beer Tweetup - Spring 2010
- Boston Craft Beer Tweetup - Summer 2010
- Boston Craft Beer Tweetup - Fall 2010
- Impromtu Portland, ME Tweetup - October 2010
- Metrowest Craft Beer Meetup - February 2011
- Boston Craft Beer Meetup - March 2011
- Metrowest Craft Beer Meetup - April 2011
- Boston Craft Beer Meetup - April 2012
- Boston Craft Beer Meetup - Fall 2012
When tweeting about the event, please use the #LIBAbeerup hash tag.

Special Guest
Special Guest: Jay Sullivan - lead brewer, Cambridge Brewing Co. brewer will be joining us. Come hear Jay talk about CBC and the beers he brews. Guests will have an opportunity to speak with Jay and ask questions.
Saturday March 9th. 12pm - 4pm.
Directions & Parking
Driving directions and MBTA info can be found here. Parking is at the Kendall Cinema. CBC will validate your parking for a significant discout!
Door Prizes
Bring your business card for a chance to win fabulous prizes. Blank cards will be made available for folks without business cards.
Drawing will be held at 3:00. Must be present to win!
Below are the sponsors who have donated the
door prizes or are helping cover expenses for the event. Please take a
moment to check out our sponsor's websites!
To sponsor this event, contact Josh -
Lost in the Beer Aisle
Mystery Prize
Lost in the Beer Aisle
will be donating to the door prizes as usual. If you haven't checked
out Lost in the Beer Aisle, the site is all about being laid back and
enjoying beer. The writing style is unintimidating and is welcoming to
people with all different levels of beer knowledge.
Two $25 Gift Certificates

CBC has graciously donated two $25 gift certificates toward the door prizes.
Craft Beer Cellar
Two $25 Gift Certificates
Craft Beer Cellar
in Belmont, MA is a BEER STORE, focused on craft, micro, or artisanal
brewed beers, from the United States and beyond. Our mission has been to
create a BEER STORE; a place whose central focus is BEER, not liquor or